REM Batch file to run RIETAN-FP and display the resulting *.itx if any ECHO OFF CLS REM Change environment variables, LOCINS, SAMPLE, RIETAN, and PATVIEWER in lines starting with 'SET' appropriately. REM No folder/file/base names need to be enclosed by a pair of double quotation marks even when they include spaces. REM When the total length of environment variables is large in Windows 95/98/Me, the initial size for environment variables must be increased. REM Richt-click the icon of sample.bat, select 'Properties', click the 'Memory' tab, and change the size for environment variables from 'Auto' to 512 or 768. REM Absolute path for the location of *.ins and *.int REM 'LOCINS=.' if *.ins is contained in the same directory as this batch file SET LOCINS=. REM Base name. File name = (base name).*, where '*' denotes an extension such as 'ins' and 'int'. SET SAMPLE=BaSO4 REM Absolute path for the location of RIETAN.exe, orffe.exe, etc. SET RIETAN=Z:\Program Files\RIETAN_VENUS REM An application (other than gnuplot) to plot Rietveld-refinement and simulated patterns SET PATVIEWER=Z:\Program Files\RIETAN_VENUS\RIETVIEW.EXE ECHO Data files are located in '%LOCINS%'. ECHO The base name is '%SAMPLE%'. REM Change the current directory IF "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" CHDIR /D "%LOCINS%" IF NOT "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" "%RIETAN%\pushd" "%LOCINS%" IF EXIST "%SAMPLE%.itx" RENAME "%SAMPLE%.itx" "%SAMPLE%.sav" ECHO RIETAN-FP is now running ... REM Input *.ins: Standard input. REM *.int: X-ray/neutron diffraction data. REM *.bkg: Background intensities. REM *.ffe: Input data created by ORFFE for imposing constraints on interatomic distances and/or bond angles. REM *.fba: Data created by PRIMA for MEM-based whole-pattern fitting. REM *.ffi: Initial integrated intensities for Le Bail refinement. REM Output *.itx: Data for plotting Rietveld-refinement patterns or a simulated pattern. REM *.hkl: Data for Fourier/D synthesis by FOUSYN. REM *.xyz: Data for calculating interatomic distances and bond angles by ORFFE. REM *.fos: Data for MEM analysis by PRIMA. REM *.ffo: Integrated intensities resulting from Le Bail refinement. REM *.vcs: VICS (VIsualization of Crystal Structures) text file. REM *.lst: Standard output. "%RIETAN%\RIETAN.exe" "%SAMPLE%.ins" "" "%SAMPLE%.bkg" "%SAMPLE%.itx" "%SAMPLE%.hkl" "" "%SAMPLE%.fos" "%SAMPLE%.ffe" "%SAMPLE%.fba" "%SAMPLE%.ffi" "%SAMPLE%.ffo" "%SAMPLE%.vesta" "%SAMPLE%.plt" "%SAMPLE%.gpd" "%SAMPLE%.alb" "%SAMPLE%.prf" "%SAMPLE%.inflip" "%SAMPLE%.exp" | "%RIETAN%\Commands\tee.exe" "%SAMPLE%.lst" IF NOT EXIST "%SAMPLE%.itx" GOTO NPAT0 REM The base name of *.ins should not contain a space because %SAMPLE%.plt cannot be enclosed by " ". IF EXIST %SAMPLE%.plt "%RIETAN%\Batch_files\Plot.bat" %SAMPLE% IF NOT EXIST "%SAMPLE%.plt" "%PATVIEWER%" "%SAMPLE%.itx" IF EXIST "%SAMPLE%.sav" DEL "%SAMPLE%.sav" :NPAT0 IF "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" Wscript "%RIETAN%\message2.vbs" IF NOT "%OS%" == "Windows_NT" Wscript "%RIETAN%\message1.vbs"